Seems like once again the city I love and grew up in has been hit with a series of bomb blasts. The body count stands at 147, but given that fact that it was 8 bombs on crowded commuter trains at rush hour..i'm sure its a lot more.
May god bless the souls of those who have died, may he provide solace to the families of those who have lost someone, and may he give strength in survival for those who have been injured.
I'm frustrated with this whole terrorist situation...why ARE they doing this? If its over kashmir, lets pick a battle there...we have special forces that will kick their ass out there. Stop attacking innocent people who are working stiffs trying to eke a living in an otherwise merciless and expensive city.
Whatever happens, i hope they find those responsible, and hang them without a trial. I feel for you Bombay, i really do. I know we will overcome scum like these and stand on our feet again.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Summer's here

Well it HAS been some time and a lot has been going on. Obviously done with my year end reviews at the company i work for (turned out OK -- nothing to cheer about). Went with my wife down to the bahamas and had a blast there, enjoyed all the conch they had to offer.
Other than that, been working out recently, and i feel pretty good about myself on that one. Not lost much weight, but at least the ole ticker is getting some exercise.
World cup is on, been trying to catch every match possible, shed a tear when germany lost to italy ....oh well life goes on
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